As temperatures rise, so does the yearly uptick in the number of diseases due to mosquito and tick bites. Mosquitoes and ticks have always been problematic in New York City and across the East Coast, but their numbers seem to have risen dramatically in recent years.
Relative to other parts of the country, summer in NYC is hot and humid with plenty of humans around for mosquitoes to get their next blood meal from. Here’s what you need to know about dealing with mosquitoes, including facts, prevention, control, and treatment.
An effective way to keep mosquitoes out of your yard is by using insecticide sprays. When applied properly and in the right locations, they can get rid of mosquitoes in your space. Here are some tips on how spray your yard for mosquitoes.
If you find mosquitoes in your home, it’s important to get them out as soon as you can as mosquitoes can transmit diseases and their bites can irritate the skin.
Looking for eco-friendly mosquito control? If you plan to enjoy time in your yard, rooftop, or other outdoor space this summer, here’s how to keep those pesky mosquitoes away.
Wondering if that mosquito you saw flying across your living room last night will die by itself if you leave it alone? This article answers questions about how long mosquitoes can live under various conditions.
Although mosquitoes are capable of biting through clothes, they much prefer exposed skin — at least when given the choice. Their needle-like mouths can easily penetrate thin, stretchy, and loosely woven fabrics.
Why do mosquitoes tend to bite some people more than others? To avoid getting bitten while you enjoy the great outdoors, it helps to understand what signals might be attracting mosquitoes to you in the first place.
New York City experienced record-breaking levels of mosquito activity last year, according to the Department of Health. This map shows the various areas and neighborhoods that were sprayed for mosquitoes in 2021.
Generally speaking, mosquitoes come out to feed around sunrise, sunset, and at nighttime. They’re rarely active during the middle of the day when the sun is out, since direct sunlight and high midday temperatures can quickly dehydrate them.
Mosquito bits are a natural and eco-friendly option for long-term mosquito control. By sprinkling them around your property, you can reduce — and over time, eliminate — the mosquito population living in the area.
Many of the chemicals used in mosquito sprays, such as DEET and permethrin are toxic by nature and can cause unintentional harm to animals. As a responsible pet owner, you want to get rid of mosquitoes without risking your pet’s health and safety. So where do you start?
Here are 3 ways to keep these unwelcome guests off of your property and stop them from putting a damper on your summer fun, ranging from prevention to repellents to professional help from your friendly neighborhood exterminator.
One of the best ways to protect your family from mosquitoes is by being proactive about preventing them from breeding near your home. Here’s how to stop mosquitoes from coming back for good.