Spring swarmers, such as termites and flying ants, can be a nuisance. Here’s how to manage them and prevent future infestations.
Diatomaceous earth is an effective DIY option for controlling common ant species found in the United States, such as odorous house ants and pavement ants. This article talks about how it works and how to use it.
Looking for a way to tell carpenter ants and termites apart? Knowing if your home’s infested with carpenter ants or termites can help when deciding what you need to do in order to get rid of them.
But because of their size and appearance, termite swarmers are often confused for flying ants. The main features to pay attention to in order to differentiate termites from flying ants are their antennae, their waist, and their wings.
Finding ants around your kitchen? In this article (and video), pest expert Kevin Carrillo from MMPC talks about how to get rid of ants in your kitchen: cleaning up food, removing access to water, and using granular ant bait.
Looking for a pesticide-free way to get rid of ants in your home naturally? In this article (and video), pest expert Kevin Carrillo from MMPC shares some natural methods to get rid of ants in your home without using pesticides.
Seeing ants in your house? In this article, Kevin Carillo, a senior pest control expert at MMPC, explains where your ants most likely coming from and where they might be entering your house.