Find out what’s bugging you.

Finding unidentified insects in your home is stressful. Before you can begin to solve your problem, you need to know what kind of pest you’re dealing with. Use this guide to identify and learn about common types of pests in New York City and the surrounding areas.

Common Household Pests

Ants are easily recognized by their three distinct body segments, elbowed antennae, and narrow waists.

Learn More → Ants

Odorous House Ant
Pavement Ant
Black Carpenter Ant
Red Carpenter Ant
Chestnut Carpenter Ant

Cockroaches are reddish-brown with flattened, oval bodies, long antennae, and six legs.

Learn More → Cockroaches

German Cockroach
American Cockroach
Oriental Cockroach
Brown Banded Cockroach

Flies have large compound eyes, six legs, and a single pair of wings.

Learn More → Flies

House Fly
Fruit Fly
Drain Fly
Phorid Fly
Biting Midge
Dark Winged Fungus Gnat

Mice and rats have pointed snouts, beady eyes, protruding incisors, and long tails.

Learn More → Rodents

House Mouse
Norway Rat

Biting Pests

Bed bugs are reddish-brown, wingless insects with flat, oval bodies that enlarge after feeding.

Learn More → Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Adult
Bed bug nymphs instar stages

Biting midges, also known as no-see-ums, are tiny gray or black flies that leave irritating bites.

Learn More → Flies

Biting Midge

Fleas are wingless and reddish-brown with laterally flattened bodies and powerful legs for jumping.

Learn More → Fleas

Cat Flea

Mosquitoes are slender, flying insects with long, needle-like mouthparts for sucking blood.

Learn More → Mosquitoes

Northern House Mosquito
Asian Tiger Mosquito
Yellow Fever Mosquito
Eastern Saltmarsh Mosquito
Common Malaria Mosquito

Ticks are parasitic arachnids with eight legs and flat, oval-shaped bodies that swell with blood after feeding.

Learn More → Ticks

American Dog Tick
Brown Dog Tick
Deer Tick
Lone Star Tick

Stinging Pests

Known for their role as pollinators, bees have fuzzy bodies with black and yellow or brown and yellow stripes.

Learn More → Bees

Honey Bee
Eastern Bumble Bee
Eastern Carpenter Bee

Wasps are aggressive stinging insects with narrow waists and smooth bodies.

Learn More → Wasps

Bald Faced Hornet
Paper Wasp
Yellow Jacket
Bethylid Wasp

Fabric Pests

Adult carpet beetles are small, oval-shaped insects that feed on pollen and nectar.

Learn More → Carpet Beetles

Black Carpet Beetle
Varied Carpet Beetle
Furniture Carpet Beetle

Carpet beetle larvae feed on natural fibers, often causing damage to carpets, furniture, and clothing.

Learn More → Carpet Beetles

Black Carpet Beetle Larva
Varied Carpet Beetle Larva
Furniture Carpet Beetle Larva

Clothes moths are usually found in closets and attics, where they lay eggs that hatch into fabric-eating larvae.

Learn More → Moths

Webbing Clothes Moth
Case-Bearing Clothes Moth

Silverfish are silvery-gray, carrot-shaped insects known for their wiggling, fish-like movements.

Learn More → Silverfish


Pantry Pests

Beetles have hardened forewings called elytra, and they vary in size, shape, and color.

Learn More → Beetles

American Spider Beetle
Shiny Spider Beetle
Cigarette Beetle
Drugstore Beetle
Sawtoothed Grain Beetle
Rice Weevil

Booklice feed on mold and mildew, and their presence is often a symptom of moisture problems in the home.

Learn More → Booklice

Book Louse

Fruit flies are attracted to ripening fruits and vegetables, and while they’re a nuisance, they rarely pose a health threat.

Learn More → Flies

Fruit Fly

Pantry moths are small, brown flying insects that lay eggs in dry food like grains and cereals.

Learn More → Moths

Pantry Moth

Wood Destroying Pests

Carpenter ants are a large species of ants with powerful jaws for burrowing into wood.

Learn More → Ants

Black Carpenter Ant
Red Carpenter Ant
Chestnut Carpenter Ant

Carpenter bees are solitary bees that bore holes in wood for nesting.

Learn More → Bees

Eastern Carpenter Bee

Powderpost beetles are wood-boring beetles that can cause extensive damage to furniture and structures.

Learn More → Beetles

Powderpost Beetle

Known as the “silent destroyer,” termites are pale, soft-bodied insects that live in large colonies and feed on wood.

Learn More → Termites

Subterranean Termite Worker
Subterranean Termite Soldier
Subterranean Termite Swarmer

Houseplant Pests

Aphids are tiny, pear-shaped, soft-bodied insects that suck sap from plants.

Learn More → Aphids


Resembling tiny mosquitoes, fungus gnats lay eggs in the soil of houseplants and their larvae can damage roots.

Learn More → Flies

Dark Winged Fungus Gnat

Vine weevils are beetles with long snouts, known for causing damage to ornamental plants.

Learn More → Beetles

Black Vine Weevil

Occasional Invaders

Centipedes and millipedes are many-legged arthropods with elongated bodies that pose no threat to humans.

Learn More → Myriapods

House Centipede
Garden Millipede

Crickets have powerful hind legs for jumping and are known to feed on fabrics inside homes.

Learn More → Crickets

House Cricket
Spider Cricket

While some may cause itchy bites, the majority of house spiders are beneficial pest controllers that keep other insect populations in check.

Learn More → Spiders

Common House Spider
Yellow Garden Spider
Grass Spider
Wolf Spider
Yellow Sac Spider
Brown Recluse

Spotted lanternflies are invasive planthoppers with brightly colored wings that feed on a variety of trees and crops.

Learn More → Spotted Lanternflies

Spotted Lanternfly
Spotted Lanternfly Nymphs
  • Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles
  • Soldier Beetles
  • Boxelder Bugs
  • Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs
  • Western Conifer Seed Bugs
  • Pill Bugs / Roly-Polies
  • Sow Bugs

Learn More → Occasional Invaders

Asian Lady Beetle
Soldier Beetle
Boxelder Bug
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Western Conifer Seed Bug
Pill Bug
Sow Bug