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cricket identification

Crickets can be quite a nuisance when they get indoors, especially if their loud chirping at night disrupts sleep. While crickets don’t pose any direct harm to humans, they can cause damage to fabrics, paper products, and other materials in the home.

household pest identification guide

Pest Species in New York City / Tri-State Area:

House crickets are most known for their loud, high-pitched chirping at night.

They’re attracted to light and warmth, and enter homes through open doors, windows, and other gaps. Once inside, they congregate in warm areas like kitchens, heaters, closets, and in upholstered furniture.

House crickets usually feed on fabrics, chewing holes and leaving stains (from their droppings) on clothes and furniture.

Size: 5/8″ – 7/8″ long (16 – 21 mm); about the size of a penny

Color: Pale, yellowish-brown with dark markings

Shape: Long, oval-shaped body with thread-like antennae, 6 legs (hind pair is extra long), and 2 pairs of wings

Unlike house crickets, spider crickets don’t chirp. They like dark, damp, and cool environments, and occasionally enter homes and buildings in search of shelter.

They’re mostly found in damp basements and areas with moisture or humidity issues, such as bathrooms and laundry rooms.

Spider crickets mainly feed on fungus, decaying plant and animal matter, and other insects. They sometimes also chew on stored paper and fabrics.

Size: 1/2″ – 1 1/2″ long (13 – 33 mm); up to the size of a paperclip

Color: Light-to-dark brown

Shape: Hump-backed, wingless body with thread-like antennae and 6 spider-like legs (hind pair is extra long)