How we work
The best kind of pest control is the one that lasts, gets to the root of a problem, and prevents recurrence.
At MMPC, we start by discovering each individual client’s issues and needs. This allows us to fully assess the problem and diagnose it in detail before applying our diverse skills and technologies to create a customized, effective and lasting solution — one that addresses not only the symptoms, but the cause.
Our process combines forensic investigative precision with extensive pest control experience. We understand just how disruptive and inconvenient pest outbreaks can be to residential, corporate, and commercial clients.
Unlike other pest control companies, MMPC provides answers and pest treatments that are environmentally safe and sustainable long-term. We minimize the use of harmful chemicals in favor of more environmentally sensitive methods, a commitment reflected in our GreenPro certification from the National Pest Management Association.
MMPC consistently implements an EPA-approved Integrated Pest Management (“IPM”) program, which considers all possible pest control techniques to manage existing and potential infestations, while minimizing the role of pesticides.
Proper sanitation and exclusion are naturally critical to IPM program success. But, for MMPC, equally important is open communication and collaboration with each of our clients.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program goals:
- Change the living environment of the pests to inhibit pest survival
- Use inspections and monitoring devices to determine where pests are active
- Use only Safe and EPA approved pesticides
- Apply pesticides only to those area(s) where pests are active
Methods that make eco-sense
Canine Inspection
According to a University of Florida study, scent-detecting canines are proven to be approximately 98% effective in sniffing out live bedbugs and viable eggs. Working diligently with their expert handlers to identify this most persistent of pests, our NESDCA-certified canine inspection team comprises Benji, Mika, Matcha, and Jax.
All four of MMPC’s active bed bug dogs were rescued from humane shelters as puppies and brought to a “gold standard” Florida training center, where they each spent nine months fulfilling their National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association (NESDCA) certification requirements. They’re tested routinely and daily at MMPC to keep their detecting skills well-honed.
We undertake property inspection schedules on a one-time, as needed, or a recurring basis. We’ve worked with landlords, tenants, homeowners, property managers, business owners, retailers, moving companies, trains, cruise lines, airlines, and more. In each case, we inspect the premises thoroughly and provide documentation of inspection. This reflects our adherence to high property management standards, as well as providing proof that the premises are bed bug-free.
All Natural Pesticides
At MMPC, using pesticides is a last resort. However, under certain circumstances, it is the most viable solution. When these circumstances arise, we deploy a full line of EPA approved all-natural pesticides. Depending on the nature of the infestation, we work closely with each client to determine the best choice to solve the problem, while ensuring that the environment, your health, and the health of your family or colleagues is not compromised by harsh chemicals.
This complete commitment to environmentally-conscious solutions has earned us QualityPro and GreenPro certifications from the NPMA, designations that define MMPC as a top-tier pest control company in all aspects of its business practices.
Mice and rats can enter through any opening larger than 1/4″ or 1/2″, respectively, while cockroaches and other insects can squeeze through gaps as tiny as a few millimeters. This allows pests to move freely between apartments or buildings. The MMPC approach is to use exclusion, also known as pest proofing, an eco-friendly process that focuses on eliminating the entry points that pests use to get inside in the first place.
At MMPC, we provide two types of exclusion services: inspections and proofing.
For inspections, we send a highly trained specialist to perform a comprehensive top-down assessment of your home or office to find evidence of pests, possible causes of pests, and viable entry points. Clients receive a detailed report of the findings and recommendations, which also includes the proposed costs and scope of work for effective, long-term pest exclusion.
For proofing, specialized technicians permanently seal all viable pest entryways with silicone, steel wool, metal mesh, sheet metal, polyurethane expansion foam, plaster, or cement. We will carefully pull out necessary appliances — including large sub-zero fridges and heavy appliances that are not wedged into cabinets — and seal around mechanical line extrusion points (such as PTAC, radiator, & plumbing lines). We also install door sweeps for entry doors with gaps smaller than 1”.
While our proofing work is extremely thorough, the only thing we cannot do is major structural repairs such as replacing missing drywall, flooring, or tiles; or any repairs in need of major professional carpentry work.
Freezing, or cryonite application, is an extremely fast process that exposes insects to a cooling medium (carbon dioxide snow), causing them to die off quickly on contact. The cryonite unit dispenses this cooling medium through a specially designed, MMPC-patented nozzle that regulates the size and speed of released particles, ensuring the demise of insects, eggs and larvae. Since cryonite is a non-chemical treatment, it is entirely safe for your family and pets. Furthermore, Cryonite is a non-toxic and non-allergic alternative to the industry standard of harmful pesticide spraying.
Though it penetrates deep inside the tiny cracks and crevices of electronics and machinery, cryonite won’t damage them, or any other valuables. Bed bug treatment solutions that combine cryonite, pesticide application and heat treatment effectively eradicate the problem. This method is also an effective alternative to furniture fumigation.
In particularly advanced cases of infestation, when all other treatments have been exhausted, we’ll use gas fumigation. This doesn’t, as commonly believed, involve liquid insecticide, but rather an odorless gas (sulfuryl fluoride), deployed inside an airtight structure or chamber.
Fumigation has been documented to be 100% effective, killing insects in all stages of life (including the eggs) and leaving no residuals. This makes it ideal for treating standalone structures and any kind of household items where pests might use inaccessible spaces to hide (such as clothing, bed frames, furniture, luggage, books, etc.). Other than food, medicine and plants, all personal items can be fumigated safely and effectively. Fumigation is often used in termite treatment and control but can also be used to get rid of cockroaches, bed bugs, rodents, spiders, wood boring beetles and more.
Depending on a structure’s construction, design and materials, securely sealing a space for fumigation is achieved in two ways: through the use of plastic, tape or other sealing materials; or by enclosing the structure in a “tent” of vinyl-coated nylon tarpaulins. Whenever there are basements, crawlspaces and French drains, we recommend tenting, as the resulting gas loss would be extensive.
We release a warning agent such as chloropicrin (tear gas) within the structure when fumigation begins and throughout the entire process. Everyone (people, pets and plants alike — even fish, seeds and planted bulbs) must be removed from the structure prior to fumigation.
Some state regulations require us to notify the local fire department at least 48 hours before we begin fumigation, and the process generally lasts 3-4 full days. Should fumigation be your choice of pest treatment we can advise you on the local regulations regarding pest control and fumigation near you.
Thermal heating programs offer the latest and most efficient technology in pest management, especially in urban areas. These treatments are the least labor-intensive to prepare for and offer the quickest solution. Often, only a single treatment is needed to get rid of pests.
When you place clothes and linens into the dryer on a high temperature setting, or steam sofas and rugs, it’s the same concept, except applied with more precision by MMPC thermal heating program experts, including certified electricians and engineers.
Together, they calibrate and monitor the right combination of generators, heaters and fans to bring ambient temperatures of a living space up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, a level intolerable to many pests, including bed bugs, mites, some fabric and pantry pests and more. While the heating process can take 4–8 hours, the full treatment requires that the premises be vacated for 24–48 hours.
Before the treatment, we supply the customer with a detailed set of instructions on preparing family, pets, the overall space, furniture and personal belongings for the process. MMPC representatives are available 24/7 to consult further and address any concerns.
Codes + Practices
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

At MMPC, our commitment to environmentally-safe pest solutions includes implementation of an EPA-approved Integrated Pest Management (“IPM”) program that explores all possible pest control techniques in managing existing and potential pest infestations.
National Pest Management Association (NPMA), QualityPro Certification, and GreenPro Certification

Our commitment to IPM practices, and the highest training and hiring standards, have earned us QualityPro and GreenPro certifications from the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). These designate MMPC as a top-tier pest control company in all aspects of business practices.
GreenPro companies employ a comprehensive, environmentally friendly approach by investigating the source of the problem, and devising solutions to eliminate it, with EPA-approved pesticides considered only as a last resort.
New York Pest Management Association (NYPMA) Certification

The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) is a non-profit organization established in 1933 to support the pest management industry’s commitment to the protection of public health, food and property. MMPC is a member of both the national group, and NYPMA, the New York chapter.
We frequently attend NYPMA meetings and seminars to stay current with proactive legislation and new developments in pest management methods. MMPC’s senior staff are NPMA board members and are often invited to present at NPMA annual conventions.
The National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association (NESDCA) Certification

NESDCA represents the industry standard for canine entomology scent detection of live bed bugs and viable eggs. NESDCA was founded by pest control professionals and established to ensure that the highest standards would be codified, enforced and upheld.
Better Business Bureau (BBB) Accredited Business

We’re proud to have maintained an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau since March 2004. BBB ratings require that a business meet accreditation standards and codes, including transparent business practices, competency licensing and a low number of customer complaints. BBB codes are an integral part of MMPC’s business practices.