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Booklice, also known as psocids or paperlice, are small, wingless insects that infest homes and libraries. Despite their name, booklice are not actually lice and do not pose any harm to humans or pets. However, they occasionally infest stored food products or cause damage to paper products, such as books and documents.

Booklice are typically found in areas with high levels of moisture and humidity, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. They’re often associated with the presence of mold.

These pests feed on starchy material, such as the glue in book bindings. They also feed on surface mold that grows on damp paper, cardboard, and wallpaper.

Certain species of booklice may also infest household pantries, attacking stored food products such as grains, flour, cereals, and pasta.

Size: 1/25″ – 1/6″ long (1 – 4 mm); about the size of a sesame seed

Color: Pale white, gray, or light brown

Shape: Elongated body with a broad head, a narrow thorax, a large abdomen, thread-like antennae, and 6 legs

  • 6 legs
  • Thread-like (filiform) antennae
  • Broad head with protruding eyes and a distinctive bulge (clypeus) above the mouthparts, resembling a large nose
  • Narrow thorax
  • Wide, elongated abdomen with 9 visible segments
  • Soft-bodied and wingless